Monday, May 11, 2015


This blog has been brewing in the back of my mind for some time. To be fair, it has taken a sufficient amount of time to gather my thoughts and materials to pursue this undertaking. I would like to start out by sharing a little bit about me and my intentions in creating the material you will find here.

To trace things back as far as I can remember, I have always been a skeptic. I was investigative and inquisitive about whatever I could find and dig into. This, coupled with a brazen (foolish?) confidence in my own analytical and research abilities, and you have a disposition that has often lead me looking down roads less travelled. I do think it is important, however, to make it clear that “less travelled” to me does not equal “good” in and of itself. It just so happens that much of mainstream practice and tradition is not conducive to a healthy mind and body. For these practices, there are better ones to replace them. It is part of who I am to seek better ways of doing things, to always look toward the possibilities.

I became a mother 6 years ago. A lot of my information-seeking has occurred in regard to caring for my children and their future. The path of motherhood is often paved with the light of insight into the human condition and the ways we become our future selves.
This is not a blog that excludes those who are not currently parenting. Much of the content of this blog will be aimed toward anyone seeking well-developed, researched answers regarding topics crucial to health and well-being.

The other, equally important, aspects of this blog will be focused on esoteric subjects. I believe there is a component to being human that is not entirely scientific or rational in the traditional sense, but nevertheless real and essential to our experience here on Earth.
Take what works for you, and leave what doesn’t.

And finally, comment! I would love hearing from you.

~Love and Light~